Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

At UKCentrefolds, we are committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment for all our users. We value your feedback and are dedicated to handling any complaints with urgency and fairness. Our Complaints Policy outlines the process by which complaints about content that may be illegal or otherwise violates our Standards are handled.

Reporting of Complaints

If you encounter content on our website that you believe is illegal, infringes on any rights, or violates our Standards, you can report it to us by contacting our support team at Please provide as much detailed information as possible, including the nature of the content, its location on our website, and why you believe it violates our Standards or the law.

Acknowledgement of Complaints

Upon receiving any complaints, we will:

Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 48 hours.
Review the complaint and conduct an investigation if necessary. Our review process aims to be thorough and impartial.
Resolve the complaint within seven business days from the date of acknowledgement.
Review and Appeals Process

Initial Review: All complaints are initially reviewed by our compliance team to determine their validity and the required action.
Investigation: If the complaint warrants further investigation, we will proceed with gathering information and context from all relevant parties.
Resolution: Based on the findings, a decision will be made. This may include actions such as removing the content, suspending the account involved, or other measures as deemed appropriate.
Notification: We will notify you of the outcome and the actions taken.
Appeal Process for Depicted Persons

Individuals who are depicted in any content on our website and believe their depiction is without consent or otherwise unauthorized can appeal for the removal of such content. Appeals should be directed to our support team at detailing the content in question and the circumstances of the depiction.

Upon receiving such an appeal:

We will review the appeal to determine the validity of the claim.
If it is determined that the consent was not given or is void under applicable law, the content will be removed promptly.
Should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal’s outcome, the matter will be referred to an independent and neutral body to ensure a fair resolution.

Potential Outcomes

The outcome of a complaint review can vary depending on the nature of the violation. Potential outcomes include, but are not limited to:

No action, if the content is deemed compliant with our policies.
Removal of the content.
Temporary or permanent suspension of the account posting the violating content.
Modifications to the content.
Any other action deemed necessary to address the complaint.
Modifications to the Policy

UKCentrefolds reserves the right to modify this Complaints Policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website.